Buffalos, snow and Old Faithful!
We spent a couple of days with cameras at the ready for what ever animals we could see, plenty of buffalos and antelope but we didn't see a bear. There were only 3 campgrounds open in the park and the ranger suggested we go to Mammoth Hot Springs up North. On our way we stopped to see the famous geyser Old Faithful erupt, it spurts at about 90 minute intervals give or take 10 minutes. 

The hill behind the campground was large and just the shape of a huge mammoth. Deer roamed casually around the hot springs. We woke to a slight frost and to our delight as we drove around the loop and south the snow fall during the night was spectacular with steam from the springs adding to the amazing scenery.
Wow that snow looks amazing and all those antlers! Had both Nans at home for afternoon tea so we read some of your blog that they hadn't seen yet, after seeing Heidi's art work in the ArtStart Exhibition.