Friday, June 15, 2012

A ZIA Spiralation Celebration

200,000 pageviews!!! It's an exciting day here at Shelly Beauch blog!!

Thank you to everyone who visits, stays a few minutes or writes inspirational comments, thank you for your delightful emails and messages.

So in the spirit of appreciation I am giving away 7 Zentangle Inspired Art Spiralations.

Paper size: A4 - 21cm x 29cm (8" x 11")

Choose the ZIA you like and give it a name, one word is okay.
Type the number and name in the comment box.
My daughter Katy and grandchildren Heidi and Samuel are going to choose the winners after 7 days.

Zentangle has enriched my life with addictive creativity, I appreciate every delightful moment with a freedom to express myself without the concern of judgement. I have made treasured friendships and will be forever grateful to you all particularly Rick and Maria for enchanting art, passion and enthusiasm.

With love and hugs









  1. #6 Zeleena - love them all but this one is special. Thanks for this opportunity - viewing your work is always a treat. Hugs.

  2. Whoopee! (*crossed fingers!*)
    #1 - Forget-Me-Notilus

    1. oh poo, if you don't win with that name i'll eat my shorts !!! very clever

  3. Oh, I like aspects of every one of them. But I will name #4 "Floribunda" and #5 "Bubbling Free."

    I think I like "Bubbling Free" the best.

  4. OOH! Congratulations!! that's exciting!
    i love #3 - i'd call it Painsley

  5. these are all stunning. i like "inverse nautilus" for #7. thank you for sharing.

  6. #3, Sea Garden

    Shelly, I have learned more from looking at your blog than I could have imagined. Using the spirals has brought a fluidity and grace to my work that I wanted but couldn't find a way to achieve on my on.

  7. #4 Underwater Fantasy

    i love your work and would be thrilled if Katy, Heidi, or Samuel picked my name! congratulations on your historic accomplishment of 200,000 hits!

  8. #3 Mahalo

    I too love your work. Your creativity is amazing and inspiring.

  9. I love all 7, but 2 seems to have joy just bubbling out of it.
    I'm thinking a title of "Joyfull" is a good one.
    Thank you for hours of pleasure looking at your work.
    I would also would like to thank you for sharing your trip across the USA and your certification. I was a pleasure seeing your impressions of all you saw on your trip. Am so happy you got to see part of my country---wish I could see your country too.

  10. Number 6 Reminds me of Day's at the Ocean looking for Green Sea my Name for #6 SEA GLASS

  11. 2: Music in the wind

    Don't know why, but at the right top I see music dancing in the wind.
    Lovely idea to give some away for this 200.000 visitor. Congratulations!

    Annemarie Huijts

  12. I like them all! Congrats on your celebration, you make lovely art! I #3 #5 and #7 the most.

  13. Besides the fact that they are all quite grand, it was difficult to choose. I find #3,'Piccadillie' stands out from the rest. Super,super, super.

  14. Oh my... they're all amazing! #2 (Announcing the Queen) is my fave. And #7 (Early Morning on Tangle Beach).

  15. Oh my... they're all amazing! #2 (Announcing the Queen) is my fave. And #7 (Early Morning on Tangle Beach).

  16. #4 Floral Fantasia
    I love your work. They always provide me so much inspiration.

  17. Wow, Shelly, these are all breath taking! You can definitely call this your Nautilus Series. If I had to pick just one, it would be #7. I would call it "Providence" to celebrate where we all met and became CZT7's!

  18. Congratulations on the 200.000 pageviews !!!
    Your work is such a great inspiration for many of us.
    I love all seven spiralatons, but #7 I would name inspiralation Shell(y).

  19. 3- music garden
    6- morning dew
    7- love found
    4,5- park happy
    2- playful waves
    1-Crystal Falls

    I love them all!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. These are all quite inspiring. Like them all, but oh dear, I'm no good at naming things. Congrats on the success of your blog. OilCityAnita

  21. How Cool and thank you.

    I would name #1 (my favorite), "by the sea"; it reminds me of a sea shell and since I just moved to the beach, I'm all about anything ocean/sea related at the moment, hahahaaa..


  22. #7 'For the Love of a Star Fish' - they look like they are duelling head to head!

  23. #3 - Mooka in Love. I looked at all of them before I was influenced with the other comments. #3 just spoke to me of love. I'm happy for this milestone with your blog. I'm quite privileged to have spent some time with you in Providence. What an awesome time we had as the CZT class 7. I love your work!

  24. #6 Earthwise

  25. #3 Bridal veil
    #4 Airy Anemone

  26. Love all of the! You always inspire me and teach me.
    #3 Enchanted Garden

  27. # 3--McKenna's Secret Garden (for my granddaughter).
    They are all so lovely.

  28. #3 Floating Poppies. I don't know why but I am reminded of California Poppies. This would look lovely hanging on the wall above my desk. Beautiful artwork!

  29. Shelly, these are all gorgeous! Your work is always so inspirational to me. I couldn't just pick three favorites are:
    #3 Mookalicious
    #4 Song of the Sea
    #7 A Star is Born

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I love them all, but #7 is the one for me. " Just one little touch..."

  32. #7 'Low Tide Treasures'

    This piece makes me think of the shells, starfish & flecks of foam left on the beach at low tide.

    All of your work is so lovely. Thanks for sharing.


  33. Wow! They are all great! I like #3 -Pink is my favorite color, and the design
    almost looks like an "S" - my initial - so my name would be Spring Swirls.
    I am so glad I found your blog! I am becoming totally addicted to
    Zentangles at age 92!

  34. #7 reminds me of a Tide Pool and all the wonders you find within so my name would be "Life in the Tide Pool". These are all stunning pieces. Thank you for sharing them and congratulations on your 200M hits! MaryAnn

  35. Number 7, Naughty Nautilus.

    Congrats on the mega number of views...and so deserved. Your work is stunning! You always manage to take my breath away when I open your latest creation. Keep up the great work!

  36. Oh my Shelly, you have outdone yourself! These are all so fantastic! I am not surprised you have had so many people visiting your site, you and your work have always been an inspiration to me! I love all the ZIAs, the 2 that are speaking to me the most are #2 which I would name "Funky Horns of Fun" as I see several horns with all sorts of fun escaping! The other ZIA I just fell in love with is #5, I see it bursting with all sorts of summer fun items like a Funky Caterpillar, watermelon seeds being spit out, bouncing beach balls and fun I would name it "Bursting Summer Bliss". Thank you so much for all you do for this wonderful artform!

  37. #3 Hawaiian Lei garland, cos it remind me of garland that Hawaii give to you on your arrival. I like all your works but #3 is best for me. Congs on 200,000 pageviews, yipee!!

  38. I am inspired so much by your work..thank you.
    I am drawn to number 5 which I name MIGRAINE..
    I can even see a profile of the face and the actual pain pulsating on the side of the head.

    I suffer from migraine and to me it is the first time a visual
    ever described it so well.

    but I truly loved the piece.

  39. I adore #3. I would name it "Enchantment". Your work, as always, is so beautiful!!!

  40. #7 - Tin and Tang ...reminds me of Yin and Yang, and tang short for Tangles of course! :o)

  41. I love #3-Seahorse because I see the shape of a seahorse inside. It is perfect for Father's Day. I do admire your work.

  42. Michele, all of the pieces are absolutely beautiful but I think, (after long deliberation: ) that my favorite is #4. I would name it Fragile Blooms.
    I think it describes, not only the intricate, delicate nature of the drawing, but could also represent the fragility of people.
    Blessings as you continue to 'bloom' in your art work. cindy lee

  43. Michele, I love your blog and visit often. If you ever come to SA and hold workshops I'll be there. I love all of these ZIAs but #3 is my favourite. It reminds me of 'My Grandmother's Garden'

  44. You mean I actually have to choose just ONE??? They are all so lovely…. sigh…..
    But I will go with #2 because I actually thought of a name: "Shout-out". It just seemed to be spilling forth goodness from the rope ends.

    You are my most favorite Tangler of all. Wish I had been in Providence with you last year. My turn is this August. Thanks for your wonderful blog and all your gorgeous postings!

  45. You mean I actually have to choose just ONE??? They are all so lovely…. sigh…..
    But I will go with #2 because I actually thought of a name: "Shout-out". It just seemed to be spilling forth goodness from the rope ends.

    You are my most favorite Tangler of all. Wish I had been in Providence with you last year. My turn is this August. Thanks for your wonderful blog and all your gorgeous postings!

  46. You are completely inspiring! It warms my heart to see your beautiful creations. I love all of these but as soon as I saw #3 "Blooming Gales" popped into mind.

  47. Moondapple ( 17, 2012 at 4:40 AM

    Michele, I have been visiting your site for some time now. I am continually both blown away and inspired by your work. I saw this giveaway yesterday and #6 kept my eye the longest. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I thought of a name that might fit so I would like to offer "Verdant" as a name for your piece and hopefully it could come and live at my home....I would be absolutely thrilled! Again #6 "Verdant"

  48. They are all amazing. I learn just from looking at them. I would choose #2 and name it Sousa. Like others, I see music there and I love music!

    1. They are all amazing. I learn just from looking at them. I would choose #2 and name it Sousa. Like others, I see music there and I love music!

  49. Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) Your spiaralations are beautiful - my favorite is #7. If I win, my email is grigory99 at yahoo dot com

    *crosses fingers* ;)

  50. Oh how to pick just one!! They're all incredible!! I'm drawn to #3 the most...Sweeping Beauty. Gorgeous work as always Shelly!!

  51. all of them do the same thing: they make me smile. Thank you, Shelly!

  52. #2 Springling Delight!!!!
    love them all, they are so gorgeous
    Barb Mavraganis June18
    my email is if i am so lucky!!!!

  53. Asking me to pick a favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child! I have to go with these two:
    #3--"So Softly They Swirl"
    #4--"Rapun-shell" (just in case it's not obvious--because of the long braid and the shells!)

    Shelly, you have been an inspiration to some many and so willing to share your talent and techniques with us, we should be giving YOU a prize!

  54. #7 "Sea Swirls"
    I love them all!

  55. I love #3 , drizzled mooka, the best but all are soooo amazing!

  56. I love number 1 and I love the colors used. I would call it Azul, which means blue in spanish.

  57. Shelly, I love them all, but my favourites are: #2 "Spriral Serenade" (The spriral at the top right resembles a french horn with musical notes coming out". Also love #3 - "Wildflower Explosion",
    and #4 - "Once Upon a Spriral Garden".

    I am a huge fan of your work - thank you for sharing your amazing artwork with our zentangle community.

  58. Oh I had always hoped you would sell your work but this is even better!
    I would love #3 and call it a Dream Garden. It is hard to choose just one.
    Thank you for giving us all an opportunity to own one of these inspirational pieces.


  59. #1 - Nautilus Rising

  60. I love all of these but my favorite is

    #3 "poetry in motion" seems like the perfect name for it

  61. I already picked a ZIA, but I gave it a name that is almost the same as a pattern (which may or not be an official pattern). So here's my new name for #6.

    #6 - Captiva

  62. I have been a frequent visitor here and an ardent fan of your artwork. Would be proud to take home #7 as an inspiration for my Zentangle journey.
    #7: Swearly Shells ( they look like swirls of pearls and shells )
    Thanks so much for sharing your heart in your art.

  63. Hi Shelly,
    First off, congratulations on this achievement. Your work is so inspiring and it is fantastic that you are able to share it with so many others on this blog.

    I just love #4: spiral garden.

  64. Commenting for Birdie this time. She likes #6 which she calls "Low Tide."

  65. Shelly these are so gorgeous how could anyone choose just one?!!
    1. Champagne, reminded me of the bubbles
    3. Roses? -reminds me of old fahioned rosesand a ? mark
    4. Strut your stuff..can you see the the duck with lots of cute legs!!
    5. game time - balls, ropes
    6. Hope - green is the color of hope
    7. She sells seashells...
    veronica ward czt7

  66. Alphonse, how do I love thee.....


    Just found your wedsite and WOW your work is amazing! So, so happy I found you! Cindy

  67. Not sure if I'm in the right spot but tangle #7...I would name it "Seascape". It's lovely and reminds me of being at the ocean with my daughter when she was young.
