The Diva's Weekly Challenge #341 "Go Big (Or Go Home)" Opus tile with 05 Pigma pen with gold and green jellyroll pens - I started with a spoken/mooka combo and went big with Zentangle's new tangle dewd.
Back in September I finished a 4 piece Opus tile mosaic for Joshua and Nan's new home. You can see it here close up. Rod from Scottsdale Art Gallery Café framed it for us and Paul hung it in their living room. While tangling it I was thinking of a winding path but after it was framed and I stood back, a large M stood out, Nan is from Myanmar so I was happily surprised. I had the idea of their life path of ups, downs, filled with lots of little gems, I wanted smooth flowing, many tangles to make life interesting but be able to stand back and see the big picture with a smile. As I like to say 'Life is full of surprises just like a Zentangle'!