
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #251: "Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day"

January 24 is  Awareness Day.  The Diva's son was diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome when he was born, every year we happily spread the word about Moebius Syndrome by adding a Moebius Strip to our tile.


  1. Yes, this is a beautiful tile, you have made something very special from the logo with these bright colours!

  2. Oh breathtaking! You've caught the gem bug haven't you. I warn you it will be a while before it is out of your system. I like how there is so much of your normal style behind the logo. Lovely

  3. Totally and truly and terrifically beautiful

  4. The vibrant colour stands out so well from the black/white patterned background and I just love the flowing patterns you have created.

  5. Beautiful! Great contrast between the rich color and the black and white!

  6. WOW, this is so amazing. Beautyful colours and the patterns are so elegant. Is this a variation of Mooka? Whatever, I love it.

    1. Yes Trixie, mooka is my favourite tangle, it flows in so many ways.

  7. Such a beautiful glowing Moebius strip! (as I feverishly grab my sketchbook and try to fashion a dim copy of the original...) And of course, it couldn't be set off more beautifully than by your trademark - you know - that Mooka stuff! Love, Love, Love!!

  8. Love what you did with the Moebius logo. Your addition of your signature use Mooka just tops it off.

  9. Beautifully done. I love the richness of the colors!

  10. Your Moebius is so beautifully done with those colors. They glow! I love the stylized Mooka behind your logo. Beautiful as always.
