
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Beate's New Book

This week I have been happily playing with some nifty tangles from Beate Winkler's new book.
It's her third book "Zentangle - Inspired and relaxed drawing" You can find it here at Bea Bea Designs. Beate has gathered her friends from all over the world to share their tangles and thoughts.
Wishing that I could understand German though and enjoy reading the thoughts and tips but the step outs are easy to follow and with 160 pages the book is chock a block full of splendid tangles and tutorials.

Thank you Beate for your inspiring book!

Tangles: Brasa-mili - Diana Schreur, Tizzy - Hanny Waldburger,
YAH - Emily Classon and Zwieblbee - Beate Winkler


  1. Beautiful as ever!

  2. Your tile is very beautiful! I also have the new book of Beate Winkler and I love it!
    Greetings Esther
