Saturday, October 31, 2015

Expect the Unexpected

Can you see the cow horns?

Tangling punzel, I find that taking a deep breath and just thinking about that 1st step places the 'shark fin' shape in the right direction. After tangling this Zendala tile I am now thinking 'cow horns'. 

I don't know how that happened but unknown outcomes is a fantastic aspect of Zentangle.
Hope it gives you a chuckle!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


The Diva's Weekly Challenge #241: Guest post "Stones and Ceremony" 

Shake rattle and roll this purk rock bowl is bubbling over!
Rolling stone selection!
Rickety rock there's a stone in my sock.

Three cheers to everyone who has purchased 'Today I Will Tangle' our 1st printing has sold out. Hopefully there will be more hot off the printing press very soon.
Thank you so much for supporting our project.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

4 Tile Mosaic

This 4 tile mosaic features a simple string of 2 curved lines on each tile and mooka in the corners.

Inspiration came from the many different shaped windows we saw on our travels through Europe.

Surprise! I didn't know there was a large department store in Paris called Printemps

Old Town Hall - Prague
Cathedral at the Prague Castle


Basilica Di San Marco - Venice

Como - Italy

Somewhere in Milan


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Birthday Leaves

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #240: Birthday Leaves!

Spring or autumn, leaves bring colour, life and play to our gardens.
Many tangles are based around nature and I think leaf shapes automatically brings the sense of relaxation.

Silver Birches are my favourite trees, I love the shade in summer, the colour in autumn, the sun shining through the branches in winter and the new life in spring.
My special spot in our garden

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


The Diva's Weekly Challenge #238: "UMT - Tri-bee by Beate Winkler, CZT"

Beate's fun tangle tri-bee spins with a whirl across the tile. As soon as it began to flow my thoughts went directly to punzel and ciquital which also use the same repetitive shape but in different ways.
What a lovely surprise to see Beate's tangle as The Diva's challenge this week especially after meeting Beate in Hamburg last month. Beate gave Paul and I a great sightseeing tour of Hamburg, we enjoyed a meal together and fortunately Beate's husband Hajo was able to join us also. Thankfully they both speak English!

Our workshop was a buzz, everyone made me feel very welcome with gorgeous presents and Zentangle inspired surprises. Enthusiastic tanglers travelled from around Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium to join us which was quite an overwhelming experience for me.

Thank you Beate for the wonderful time you so generously gave us.


Happy tanglers in Hamburg after finishing their marvellous mooka tiles.

Meeting Mariët in Amsterdam was a treat. We had so much to talk about.  

Thank you to everyone who has purchased my book, I am absolutely thrilled with your response. 
There were a few problems with the postage regarding multiple sales on the
Etsy site but hopefully that has been fixed now.
If the costing doesn't look right please just send me an email and I'll work it out for you.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Today I Will Tangle

Spring in Tasmania is a wonderful time of year to return home from holiday. I have heaps of photos, special memories with friends and inspiration for Zentangle Art which I'll share later.
Firstly I am excited to announce the publication of my little book Today I Will Tangle. Over the last few years I have had many requests for a book and here it is in print!!

'Today I Will Tangle' is an inspirational book combining Zentangle Inspired Art and my poem 'Today'. It's in colour, light and easy to carry, the size is approx. 21.5 cm x 15 cm (8" x 6")  48 pages (including cover)
The price is $15.00 AUD with $2.50 from each book being donated to a small village in Myanmar.
To buy a copy in Australia please click here (scroll down the page) or my Etsy Shop 
To buy a copy anywhere else in the world please go to my Etsy Shop or click here
Thank you for your support and for inspiring me to create! I am truly grateful.