Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #142: "Comfort/Danger Zone"

Ok, so we are to step away from tangling for comfort but test our pens and pencils at something that we pass over and say 'I'll do that later, it looks to difficult'. I have a feeling we might see many black tiles with this challenge. I have had a new pack of blank black tiles hidden in my box for this very occasion. A couple of tangles that I have been wanting to try are snugz by Terri Brown and cruze by Caren Mlot. Oh, both these tangles are fabulous, not as tricky as they look and such fun.
Thanks Laura for urging me to open the pack of black tiles.

Joshua and Nan's wedding ceremony was held in The Launceston City Park.
We enjoyed a fantastic sparkly and sunny day with laughs, tears and many hugs.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Love is in the Air

Celebrations! Our son is getting married tomorrow to his beautiful fiancé. We are enjoying a weekend of joy, love and happiness for their life together.

Our son Joshua and our new daughter Nan.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Diva's Weekly Challenge #141: DuoTangle - Fengle/Quandary

For this weeks challenge I chose an off cut piece of paper that was just to good to toss. Fengle has been on my list of tangles to get back to so this challenge came at just the right time. Thanks Laura.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Beauty of Zentangle

My copy of The Beauty of Zentangle arrived this week. There is so much inspiration and fascinating ideas on every page. You will find traditional Zentangles, colourful Zentangle Inspired Art and magical tangles with thoughtful messages from 137 tangle artists from around the world!!

It was an absolute treat to have 3 of my ZIAs chosen.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Weekly Challenge #140! "Monotangle, Pointillism style!"

Laura, The Diva always surprises me with her imagination for coming up with such fun challenges. This week it's dots, dots and more dots!
Thanks Laura.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Four with finery

Sometimes I see tiles on my work table that seem to fall into a group like these four that fit into the back to basics category and contain (another favourite) tangle finery.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

8s Parte Dos

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #139: UMT vXXI "8s Parte Dos" by Jane Eileen

Jane's tangle 8s Parte Dos has been added to my favourites list, I really enjoy this type of tangle where the curved lines sneak in, out and under. Yes, I made a couple of small whoopsies so Bronx cheer came in handy to cover up the odd lines.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Zentangle in Stitches

My good friend Liz Bulman is a whizz with her sewing machine, she can whip up curtains in a flash or turn her creativity into fantastic pieces of art. When her copy of Suzanne McNeill's book Zen-sational Stitches for Quilting arrived she was soon inspired by Kayleen Allen's apples and Sue Needle's wall hanging.

Apples by Liz

Wall hanging by Liz

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun with Borders

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #138: "Fun with Borders"

The braiding on a bag took my eye for the first border.