
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cross Roads

This week I have been playing with tiles, forming ideas for a ZIA. I enjoyed this string, just like the view of roads crossing at an intersection.

With cross roads on my mind, here is a funny story that happened recently.
Our home is a bit difficult to find for a first time visitor as we live up a gravel road in bush land. A new road has also been constructed down by the creek so we now need to add this road to our list of directions. The other day I received a phone call from friends asking " We are at the cross roads do we turn left or go up Whisky Road?" Well, I am thinking where on earth is Whisky Road? I didn't know where they were, what a confusion! So I sent out a search party, they were soon found just down the hill near a newly erected road sign (that the council had put up since I had been out) - Whisky Road!
After apologies from me and the explanation that I hadn't been on the whisky we had a good laugh.
The creek is called Distillery Creek, I wonder if years ago there was a whisky distillery built close by.


4 tiles together


  1. hahaha! that's one way to find out the new name of the street! your tiles are awesome! i love the way you drew betweed in the 3rd one, with the double bands and the black fill - i need to try that. beautiful work, michelle :)
    (i never know when i'm commenting if i call you shelly or michelle?)

    1. Thanks Alice, Shelly Beauch started as my internet name just for fun as a shortened version of Michele Beauchamp (pronounced Beecham) so either Shelly or Michele is absolutely fine.

  2. I always love visiting your blog! Your tiles and zias are a huge source of inspiration.
    I enjoyed your intersection story ... I have one for you. My sister was in the passenger seat and I was at a K-shaped intersection. I couldn't see one road and asked if it was safe. She looked and said go then I nearly hit a car coming from that road. When I asked her why she said go she said, "look at it; that's a grey car. I'm color blind and can't see grey!" eight years later and I'm still laughing at that one!

  3. Love the designs Michele. What a great way to get your creations.....from real life.

    1. Thanks Louise, and haven't we been through a few crossroads together!
