
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


 The Diva's Weekly Challenge #124: "We Are Calgary"

Staying calm during floods or any tragedy seems impossible but hopefully learning skills including focus and patience helps ease the pain and stops us rushing into a danger zone.
Mooka is a wonderful tangle for going with the flow and feeling calm so I chose mooka and verdigogh  for The Diva's open challenge this week.
My thoughts are of safety for the families struggling with the floods in the Calgary area.



  1. nice choic--emooka reminds me of the roiling waters of the flood, while also looking like new sprouts of a plant-new hope, new growth
    well done

  2. Your tiles are GORGEOUS, all of them. I think the first one is my favorite though. Your Mooka really flows and it turned out amazing.

  3. Beautiful and calming zentangles. I like them all a lot.
    You find this difficult challenge.

  4. Such grace and beauty, calm in the storm.

  5. Beautiful tiles, lovely natural flowing tangles :)

  6. I love the wavy lines you used on the Mooka in the first tile. Like the waves of water coming in or receding.

  7. Mooka is such a wonderful tangle and choice ... to me Mooka represents loved ones drawing near to one another. Mooka is a huge hug of support, understanding, awareness, and compassion. It is the giving and taking of love and rebirth. Your tiles offer all of the above. Thank you for always capturing the spirit and essence of the moment. Your work is stunning!

  8. All three of your tiles are just beautiful!

  9. All three of your tiles are beautiful; soothing, peaceful, calming, yet still full of positive energy. Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. All three are beautiful and poignant - Mooka has a nurturing feel in these. My favorite is the third one.

  11. All three are wonderful. I especially like the first one as it has a lovely flowing energy to it, I think, especially with the color.

  12. Amazing tiles.....they give a feeling of wild beauty which sustains this world through the storm!

  13. Wonderful tiles, great use of Mooka.

  14. Great tiles. Your tangles always seem to flow so well.
