
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The Diva's Weekly Challenge #78

Auraknot, our new Zentangle official tangle is the star of the show this week. I saw stars the first time I saw auraknot but now I see flowers. My step-out was a bit off balance by the way. Check out the proper steps on Rick and Maria's video. Super fun!


  1. Very original, different from the others I've seen. love 'n greetz, Ellen

  2. This is a fabulous example of Auraknot and Tripoli. My Auraknots kept getting so large on my tile.

  3. I really love the asymmetry of this. Also the way it floats on the page. Beautiful!

  4. Again you find the perfect way to express each tangle and make it feel natural and beautiful. I still am trying to figure out how to meld sepia and black to get the same effect that you do. Inspirational!

  5. Beautiful! Love how flowery you have made Auraknot look!

  6. I love the flowery look of "auraknot" but the "tripoli" background is amazing! Who would have thought it would make such a nice background (enlarged a bit).

  7. beautiful and flowery, i love it, shelly!

  8. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. This is a lovely example of how you can incorporate this tangle into a bigger ZIA. That's the bit I'm having problems with!

  9. I saw flowers, too, and even did one with curved points to see if I could. Yours are terrific!

  10. So cool to combine Auraknot and Tripoli. The Tripoli on the right reminds me of orange slices:)

  11. Sometimes I see flowers, and sometimes I see stars, and sometimes I see ornaments, and sometimes I see starfish. Your tile has great harmony, which I found a little difficult to achieve with this tangle.

  12. This is so interesting, it looks like the star/flowers are made out of those bamboo strips that are designed in different shapes. The other two tangle patterns show go with it so well.

  13. Love the touch of red-gorgeous!

  14. I've been here a few times to look at your fabulous work, sorry haven't had time to post a comment until now. Your work is always so wonderful! I see the flowers too, and I think they are fantastic! :)
