
Spiral Guide


  1. Just took a moment's break to check out your site. Thanks for these lovely bits of inspiration. Can't wait to try them when I go home after work!
    Katrina S.
    Ontario, Canada

  2. Incredible artwork! Wow! Love it and joined this site because of it!

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this hints. I'm new to Zentangle art but loved it with all my heart!

    Best regards from Russia.

  4. Thank you so much for this - I've loved spiral images for quite some time so was thrilled - as a newcomer to tangling - to stumble upon your tutorial, I've put a link to this on my Resources page, hope that's OK.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. I have just found Zentangle and yours are so beautiful...I wonder if I will ever get that good....BRAVO
    Joy in Australia

  6. Bravo is right ! what a great talent you have Shelly xx

  7. These are brilliant, Shelly! It's amazing how much variation you can get from a single string, isn't it.

    Off to sign up to follow you. Your tangles are great.


  8. Looking for inspiration and happend upon your site .. magic Love your designs your art is beautiful .. Joined your site as well ... I have had one go at this art form and am hooked ... check it out if you like its very simple Im afraid but love to doodle ..... Happy tangleing

  9. Shelly ~ Your naturally flowing, soft & supple shapes always delight me!! I am drawn to more curvy than angular tangles, and my reaction to your spirals is ... I want to go tangle! I'm home with a nasty cold today ~ I think tangling will help me forget my discomfort and help me heal. I have a class to teach tomorrow! Thank you so much for the time you spend to share your talent and inspire me (oh, and thousands of others too!)
    Best regards,
    Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, Nevada, USA

  10. Just gorgeous. I'm fairly new to zentangle too. I found it through an email I get for card making and in June it had a flowered zentangle on it. First thing I got excited about since my TIA that I had at the end of May. I was never good at drawing any lines but feel comfortable here because there are no mistakes in ZENTANGLES . I try to keep that in mind while tangling. I certainly will work on these. Thank you for your beautiful work.

    Sylvia from CA

    1. Welcome Sylvia! Enjoy the flow and your style will blossom.

  11. Thank you Shelly will give it a try. xx

  12. something new to try - thank you!

  13. Shelly, Thank you for this delightful and thoughtful guide to tangling with a spiral string. MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson, CZT#1 Long Island, New York
