
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tangled Heart

The Diva's
Weekly Challenge #324: Guest Post - Jessica Davies - Tangled Heart

My heart sure is in a tangle with a little mooka weaving it's way in and out of ellish.

Earlier this week I enjoyed the company of my special friend Karen, who you all know as The Creative Miss L.
In this photo you can see Karen's wonderful Opus tile she tangled with the fun wooden letters she gave me to tangle.

What a joy Zentangle is for bringing such lovely people to my home. Thank you Karen for travelling from Canberra to Tasmania, hope to see you again next year.


  1. WOW!!!! If Tasmania was not so very far .....

  2. Oh my goodness! The heart is lovely!!!! 😍

  3. Ellish is a complicated tangle for me. Now weave mooka into the complication and I throw the towel. You got a fantastic heart! I am speechless!

  4. Absolutely amazing heart.
    You both must have had a fantastic day!

  5. Love the interweaving of the heart. I am afraid I would have gotten lost in the tangle.

  6. Yowser! That's a stunning heart with the ellish and mooka weaving through it. Love it! Thanks for participating in the #tangledheart challenge this week. <3

  7. Well I envy the pair of you. All my tangling friends are sooooo far away. (I know Brisbane to Tasmania isn't a mere hop of course.) You mention your tangled heart as if it were the simplest of things but that is one hell of a tangled tangle! Love it.

  8. Wow! That is so beautiful! How fun to meet up with awesome tangle pals. I feel like San Francisco is a Zentangle wasteland. Either I'm the only one or it's under- ground 😉

  9. All that weaving of the tangles left me speechless! Amazing!

  10. Lovely and absolutely special is your wonderful heart and it is very nice to see how you learn so much too Karen!

  11. Fabulous Michele!!! I agree it looks like an ancient shell fossil! Your progress photos are so helpful to me! Thank you!

