
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tangle Remix

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #273: "Tangle Remix"

The most difficult part of this week's challenge was choosing a past tile to remix and there wasn't any thing that I could add much to so I have re-created an old one from October 2013. It's always fun to remix and re-create!




  1. I see a nice first tile but the second one is just more beautiful with these gorgeous shine all over your drawing and the little variations you have made!

  2. Love to see how much more detailed your work has become over the years.
    It's gorgeous!

  3. This kind of reminds me of when you have a class of several students and each one gets the same instruction and yet the final tiles are worlds apart. Yes, the same but so very different. What fun!

  4. There is something so lovely about your negative space in the first one. How you connect the edges of the blank tile to the interior. It keeps you intrigued. That being said, the second has a wonderful flowing, clean, curviness to it that looks polished and complete. Both are very well done. Thank you for sharing!

  5. These are both great because your composition is so dynamic but your remix just glows!

  6. I think I can see how much you have 'grown' in these years. Did not expect that, because you art is always so gorgeous.

  7. I actually love them both :-)

  8. Love that shine, really do. And the colour. And the patterning. I hope you're getting the idea, like both but love the second one.

  9. Le deuxième est beaucoup plus éclatant et me plaît beaucoup !

    The second is much brighter and I like very much!

  10. Both are beautiful, with the second we realize the "power of the colors"

  11. So Beautiful! The second tile has so much wonderful shining!

  12. I would be perfectly happy with the first one! Like the highlights in the second, add a bit of polish. CHeryl

  13. I love both tiles and I love what you have done with the new one. They are both beautiful, but I think the second one is far more flowing that the first one and the color you added is just icing on the cake. Isn't it fun to see how different we look at things over the years?

  14. Beautiful, Shelly. I do love the strong colour in the updated version.

  15. I love the added color and extra dimensionality in the new tile.

  16. Love the colour in the remix!
