
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tangles Past

The Diva's
Weekly Challenge #255: "Ghosts of Tangles Past"

Looking back through my old folder of tangles past, it was difficult to choose which tiles to recreate. No mooka in those days!
 2 Oct 2010
From this

To this



  1. I love both tiles. In the first there are more little details. The second has more movement and the shading and sparkles are so great.

  2. Gosh, even without Mooka I can see your style has already developed in the first one. Your tiles were obviously brilliant right from scratch. Your second one does has the transitions from one tangle into another that the first one doesn't have.

  3. WOW! I still find both tiles amazing, you always had wonderful style even in the early days.

  4. Your style is just wonderful and the development shows up perfectly in the second tile. Super work!

  5. Both are beautiful! I love how bold the 2nd tile is!

  6. What fun to see your style in both tiles, and how it has evolved in the second.

  7. So nice to see the difference, the first one also was beautiful. Both are your really typical own style. Very artistic!

  8. I love how there is more overlap and movement in the second tile. And also how one tangle merges with the next. Very beautiful.

  9. Love them both! But can definitely see a difference.

  10. Both are pieces are gorgeous and beautifully composed. I love how your style has broken outside the box;-)

  11. What I see most is how you have made these patterns your own. Fabulous.

  12. Both types are beautiful in their own right. I can certainly see the development in shading, the use of enhancements and flow between tangles. I always love looking at your work. Such inspiration

  13. So, give me a couple more years and I might be able to tangle as beautifully as you? I hope so!

  14. Great to see how we all have grown over the years. This is a great challenge.

  15. You had a wonderful style when you started - I remember printing out more than a few of them for my 'inspiration' file. Now, your new tile shows so much depth and nuances in the tangles! Thanks.

  16. Wow I love how you have done betweed in the second tile. I'm loving both of them though.

  17. I would be delighted with the first! Both are so wonderful, but the second is fabulous with all the sparkles and dimension!

  18. Although I like them both, your second tile really shows how your style has developed from then until now. Your first tile looks so recognizable as one of yours, and yet the second is a masterpiece! I love how it moves and breathes! Thank you for sharing.
