
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Zentangle Inspired Art Colour-In

You are probably far to busy this week to colour-in but you are welcome to print out the page and keep it for the holidays. A fun exercise using tripoli

Add lines, circles, colour, shade, even more tangles, embellish. Hope you have a jolly time!!

Size: A4
Click on image and select print



  1. Shelly, this is a wonderful post when you let us see the before and after. I run a free Zentangle club at our local library and with your permission, I'd like to give a copy of your unfinished tangles to see how each participant embellishes the existing tangles... I think we would all end up with quite different results...Do i get the go ahead? This would not be until late January so I have time to wait for your reply.

    1. Oh yes go ahead Angela, enjoy! Can you take a photo for me please? I love seeing the differences that people create.

  2. Thank you for your coloring pages - after a long hiatus I am tangling again, the piece you sent me when I began is out in my bedroom!

    1. It's a great day to tangle Veronica, glad you back with us.

  3. Shelly, this is wonderful! My husband and I are both CZTs and meet with three former students to share our art. One lady said she's been coloring lately and not doing too much tangling because she needs something mindless. I plan to send them your URL. Like Angela, I would like to print in for future classes. We teach at an assisted living rec center and think these people would love this. Our most successful student there loves to try anything new in art and another the rec director cohered her to take our class because she spends most of her time coloring. It might be fun to show her that the two can marry. Like Angela, I also would like your permission

  4. Oh yes Judith, copy it and share it. I love designing tangle pages to colour. Glad you like it too! Hugs
