
Saturday, October 24, 2015

4 Tile Mosaic

This 4 tile mosaic features a simple string of 2 curved lines on each tile and mooka in the corners.

Inspiration came from the many different shaped windows we saw on our travels through Europe.

Surprise! I didn't know there was a large department store in Paris called Printemps

Old Town Hall - Prague
Cathedral at the Prague Castle


Basilica Di San Marco - Venice

Como - Italy

Somewhere in Milan



  1. The mosaic is lovely. I love the negative space in it.

  2. A window mosaic, what a lovely idea and it extends the holiday too - looking through and posting the photo inspirations. I love tile mosaics/ensembles, I have recently had a spate of drawing them too.

  3. Love this mosaic and how the cathedral windows inspired it. Looks like a great trip!

  4. Amazed once again and how SIMPLE can equal BEAUTIFUL!. I just love your work and how your tangles always seem to flow effortlessly!
