
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The Diva's Weekly Challenge #206: "Tools/Trade"

My trade is NOT decorating cakes, I actually had to buy one of those icing tool kits from the supermarket but if there is a time to try something that I wouldn't normally do, it's here and now. I thought Paul deserved a cake today and the idea came into my head to combine baking with this week's challenge which is to use a tool for tangling that we haven't used before. Raspberry and yoghurt cake sounded healthy and normally I would just leave off the icing (although Paul loves icing!) so armed with pink coloured icing squeezed out printemps, mooka and finished with bales.
Oh well, it's different!


  1. Great idea and a lovely presentation. I don't normally like frosting but that looks yummy!

  2. that's amazing! It looks fun and delicious! There should be more tangled food!

  3. Loads of fun! I tried tangling with pancakes myself. Easy to eat the evidence.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nice!! That's a tricky (and tasty!) tool!

  6. Great idea! Looks beautiful and tasty!

  7. I've tangled cake for my daughter's friend who is a tattoo artist. Craziest cake ever, but she loved it.

  8. Great idea! I tangled some chocolate once - it took me ages. And then I admit I resented it very much when my children just ate it, without taking much notice!! I'm sure Paul gave this work of art its due credit before tucking in! Axxx

  9. This is such a great idea! I would have never thought of tangling a cake :-)

  10. I wish someone thought I deserved a cake - especially one as lovely as yours. Very clever idea and well done!

  11. Really creative and delicious, too. How can you beat that?

  12. Love this idea! And how great is that plate. On first look I thought you'd tangled that too! Hope you enjoyed it!

  13. Looks great and I like the plate that it is on.

  14. What a fun way to take on this challenge! The cake looks delicious and the plate it is resting on, I am in love with. I have my own collection of blue and white china/ceramics. This is a lovely plate. Nice work with your new tool!

  15. What a great idea! I never would have thought of that, let alone dare to even try it. But if you ever feel the need to tangle another cake, please think of adopting me...*giggle*

  16. Such a funny experiment, I like it! At first I thought you tangled in bkue and red, the plate looks tangled too :-)
