
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Where's Bijou?

It's not Where's Wally? In this playground jetties are bouncing about all over the place, kuke is bobbing along happily and tripoli is venturing to the pendrill fence but where's Bijou?


  1. Love the tangle but I certainly can't locate our friend Bijou. (And that's after a lot of looking!)

  2. Shelly - This is absolutely wonderful! I LOVE it, it's so happy!

  3. Great, fun ZIA. I haven't located Bijou either. He is doing a good job of hiding.

  4. This is wonderful...and I think I found our shelled little friend. He must be having a great time ^_^

  5. This is a wonderful tangle. My eyes hurt from searching for Bijou. Is he really in there?

  6. In this case Bijou is the small tile which is sitting in Tripoli on the right with the bouncing jetties. You can just see the outline of the tile. Bit of a tricky one!!

  7. Such a lovely work of art - fun searching for Bijou. Finally figured out it was the tile and not the character - good one!

  8. This is really great work and when I saw it I just had so smile :-)
    Love the way you used a little bit colour. Never tried to draw such a big ZIA but I think I must try it out ;-)
    I am sorry but I can't find the Bijou...

  9. What a lovely way to hide Bijou, I would not have found it if you did not tell us :)
