
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Left Hand Challenge

The Diva's
Weekly Challenge 194: “Embracing the Yuck”

Ok! My left hand wobbles, bobbles, feels tight and is not my happy hand but for our guest blogger, Elisa Murphy and Our Diva I am with you and will do It!

Elisa suggests we throw perfection out the window with pride and let your Zentangle freaky-line flag fly. 

Admittedly I had put it off until later in the day, flexed, stretched and wiggled my left hand fingers but still felt tight, it wasn't until I'd finished that I thought I am getting better at this and felt quite happy with the finished tile......good luck everyone with your non-dominant hand!


  1. Wow. That's beautiful. You have a very steady off-hand. Great design flow too.

  2. Oy...these are so good, I'm afraid to try!

  3. Wonderful tile. Just shows that with practice you get better.

  4. Great Michelle, your work is great as always, and I hardly can see that this one is done by your non-dominant hand. Once again prooved. Practise makes things work. Love the string you used.

  5. Wow! You have amazing left-handed skills!

  6. Just amazing! You'd never know this was done with your non-dominant hand as it is still a lovely set of tangles.

  7. Beautiful Tile, Shelly. Love those Jetties. Your right hand now has a competitor. Your designs are so original. Terrific work.

  8. Wow. This is amazing. I think you might be able to do two tiles at once because your left is pretty talented, too! I've got to say, I adore how you explain your pre-challenge warm up stretches. Totally made me giggle.

  9. Oh jeez, your left hand is better than my right! Nicely done!

  10. are a big cheater and liar!!! You are ambidextrous right?...I mean left! hahaha! BEAUTIFUL work Shelly! If I did this with my non-dom hand I would be so proud. Absolutely lovely and amazingly steady.

  11. Beautifully done! Wish my other hand worked that well!

  12. Ooo ahh nicely done! Great flow in your design.

  13. My right hand is not that good! Lovely!

  14. Your left handed tile looks better than my right handed (dominant) ones. ��

  15. Beautiful and quite the challenge with the tangles you chose. It's hard to believe that you used your non-dominant hand. Beautiful tile!
