
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Red Rebel

Ooops to much red!!!! I know, I hear you say "Appreciate and don't be critical of your art". I definitely agree and certainly there are bits in there that I can appreciate but the red is so overpowering.


  1. Too much red? Not for me. I love black and red and this is stunning!!!

  2. Well I agree with the both of you: there is a little too much red in it ( to my taste) but it IS stunning. I love it.

  3. Normally that much red in a piece is thought to be "too much",but you have balanced it with strong shinny black which makes it beautiful. Gives us some new ideas. Thank you

  4. I love the little graceful tangles on the right - almost like a border. Fantastic and so very cute!

  5. So, do those little tangles on the right have a name ? I'd call them tweets because they remind me of birds singing. I love them but mine look not so graceful yet...but I'll practice. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Love it....... and yes it's very much red, but still...... "I love it"
