
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Duotangle by the Letter

The Diva's  Weekly Challenge #178: "Duotangle by the Letter!"
M B! My initials, zippity do dah, mooka with my second choice bronx cheer.


  1. Gorgeous, the colors are so beautiful on these tiles!

  2. Beautiful! Your mooka has the right flow to catch the bronx cheer.

  3. Oh yum Michele, I can almost taste the Bronx Cheer! As always your Mooka is amazing.

  4. Lovely! It reminds me of wine swirling in a wine glass for some reason.

  5. Gorgeous! The white highlights are perfect. I'm MB too but chose quite different tangles. :)

  6. Beautiful! Just beautiful! I would love to know what pen you used for the red/brown on your tile. Would you be willing to share?

  7. OOPs, very elegant. I love the Mooka and the Bronx Cheer finished it off so nicely.

  8. You are the best Mooka girl around! Beautiful!

  9. We have blackberries ripe for picking here and this just reminds me of them :) Love the colours and your mookas are mesmerising. Linda x

  10. I can only echo everyone else: Oh wow, oh my, beautiful, lovely, gorgeous! That Mooka! I read somewhere that Bronx Cheer was for covering "goofs" (since there are no "mistakes") - but I know that's not what's going on here. You have rehabilitated that tangle (for me), proving it is lovely enough to be used just for itself.

  11. Wow! Gorgeous tile and fantastic Mooka!

  12. haha! i was expecting you to use S and B - spirals and betweed - so i was surprised! this is beautiful and i think the tan tile really adds to the 'flowiness' of the mooka tangle.

  13. I love seeing Bronx Cheer as an actual tangle, not as a mistake cover, especially how beautifully you used in in your wonderful composition.

  14. I agree with Jean. So many times think of Bronx cheer only as a way to cover up something that do not like. The work on the Renaissance tiles is super. Reminds me of fruit on a vine. Your shading and highlighting adds so much character to this.

  15. Shelly this is gorgeous!! I have never used Bronx Cheer, but wow, you have used it so amazingly well! Looks like something that should be used as art for a bakery that sells pies! Very lucious! Your coloring is spot on!! :0) Share Humanity

  16. Beautiful Tile. Your Mookas are so interesting, and I love the interplay and layering you have achieved. The Bronx Cheer is flying off the Tile. You have created Dynamic Dimensioning with this awesome piece. I love it.
