
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The Diva's
Weekly Challenge #157: "UMT - Charlie"

Erin Olson's nifty tangle charlie is our feature tangle this week. Thanks Erin, I enjoyed drawing your charlie!!


  1. What three neat way to use Charlie! The middle one is my fav though, and I am not sure just why... just spoke to me somehow. :)

  2. Great Charlie's!!!! I love the colors you used.

  3. I was really intrigued to see what you'd do with Charlie as I always think of your tangles as rounded, not spiky! And of course, you are brilliant at spiky too, as the centre tile shows. I think I like the first one best of all, with that lovely bronzy flower on the left! Axxx

  4. I love how you play with pattern and design. Each and every tile has given us a statement of how versatile your talent is. Very fun to see your creativity and the beauty it puts on paper!

  5. Always surprising, and wonderful! I love these, especially the second one. You have such a wonderful sense of pattern, and play!

  6. Gee, way to school all of us on the way this tangle SHOULD look! :)

    Love all 3, but the second one is my favorite - bold & graphic with a touch of curves to make it interesting on the eyes.

  7. Wow, you sure show us a lot of variations of charlie. Thanx!

  8. Beautiful tiles! I like all three but my favorite is the first one :)

  9. Superb! Especially like number two. And one. Okay, the third one's pretty good too. :)

  10. All 3 are really cool but number 2 is very striking!

  11. All are beautiful!! Especially I like the second one! It´s gorgeous!

  12. Beautiful work, I love how differently you've used the same pattern, always inspired by your work Shelly, well done :)

  13. I think Margaret's description as Superb sums it up pretty well. I like the way you combined tangles in the first one. You always amaze me with your skill at doing this. I also really like the boldness of the second one. I think I would have gotten lost if I had tried that . What white pen did you use on your first one. I had not looked at yours before I did mine,honestly, and was surprised to see we embellished it in similar ways.

  14. You really transformed "Charlie" in so many unique ways! I love the color you incorporated and you really show the versatility of the new tangle :) wonderful once more

  15. Oh wow, all three are fantastic! :)
