
Friday, February 7, 2014

Jailed Johnny

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #153: UMT v.24 "Jailed Johnny - by Sadelle Wiltshire, CZT"

What a great name for a tangle!!! Playing with a little bunzo too!

Tangled on an ATC

This week we are back at our favourite camping spot at Bridport (Tasmania). It is hard to imagine that many of you are snow bound when we are swimming and enjoying the sun. Our turn for snuggling in will come in a few months though.

Until then the beach is looking good!

That's me enjoying 'Happy Hour'.
The old Bridport Pier burnt down in 1938 but has remained a great photo icon.


  1. Like your Bunzo-style Jailed Johnny. Have enjoyed all the different variations that people have done for this challenge.

  2. Wonderful ATC! Like Donald I like your Bunzo-style Jailed Johnny!
    Have a good time!

  3. Bunzo looks great on JJ, great combo! I am soooo jealous of your fabulous camping location. Zen send some warm thoughts our way here in Polar freeze Michigan, USA!

  4. I love the way you added the sepia color - inspired!

  5. Oh what a great combo of jailed Johnny with the bunzo disguise. Beautiful! And how nice your potos look of your camping, wish I was there too. Have a nice time!

  6. Wonderful shot of the pier. Enjoy your warm, sunny days. We will enjoy ours when our summer arrives. Right now it is about 0˚, three feet of snow on the ground, flawless blue sky.
    I love this tangle.

  7. Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos for those of us that are snow bound. They certainly made my day. Love bunzo with this pattern! Inspirational as always!

  8. That is a super ATC you have done, I like the sepia brown in it. We also have a place called Bridport near us in the UK, the only difference being we having the most awful rain and a lot of places are flooded. I think I would rather be in your Bridport!!!

  9. Bunzo is very beautiful and fitting in JJ. Enjoy the time there!!

  10. I like your design, the colors, the robustness, nice.

  11. What a lovely Jailed Johnny! My friend from the UK has just been in Tasmania - I'll tell her she's been close to one of my tangling heroines! You look to be having a great time. Axxx

  12. Wow, Michelle, What fun is that! Kind of a Jailed Bunzo!!

  13. Beautiful combined with Bunzo and your special sepia touch!

  14. Wow! just love your version of Jailed Johnny, you would never know it was the same pattern - love the colours, just beautiful!
