
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Zentangle ATC Swap

Over the last few weeks I have been tangling on Zentangle Artist Trading Cards for the First Annual CZT Zentangle ATC Deck Swap (what a mouth full). Our theme was Make it Your Way, these little cards are delightful to tangle on. It will be such a treat to receive 52 cards created by CZTs from all around the world.
Thank you Sharon Lynn Payne for all your organizational skills and the opportunity to share, send and swap.



  1. They are so beautiful! I hope you get some equally lovely cards in return. Exchanges can be so fun. And it's amazing how different everyone's styles are.

  2. Could you publish a link to the Zentangle Artist Trading cards so that I could maybe get involved the next time around. I don't know about doing 52 however. OH my gosh.

    1. Hi Ginny, you will find it on the CZT Facebook page.

  3. Michele, your cards are such jewels! And for a second, I thought you had done three decks! I was getting so excited about getting another one of your cards. Now it's up to chance. I'll keep my fingers crossed. It's a gift just to look at these. So many ideas for compositions...Sometimes I'm not excited about a tangle until I see you use it in a special way and then it becomes a friend. Thanks for sharing your creativity! I'm mailing my cards tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Angela, you are a gem, I hope we get a swap each.

  4. Wow, Shelly - that is a serious tangling project! What lucky people the recipients will be - amazing work as always!
