
Friday, July 19, 2013

Cirquital with Opus

Weekly Challenge #127: "DuoTangle v. VII: Cirquital/Opus"

The Diva has chosen two tangles for us this week, opus which is in many of my pieces, I enjoy sending the swirls out in different directions and cirquital which I should play with more often.

 It's been a busy week so I am looking forward to settling down in front of the fire tonight to browse the challenge sites and enjoy seeing all the artistic creations.


  1. Very beautiful and lively! I like black and white balance and Your sure good hand. Great work :-)

  2. Gorgeous! Loooove that red (or is it sanguine..... or henna) shading - please, please, what is your secret here?
    And, yes, go Saints!

    1. Zoe, I use a sepia 01 micron with a similar colour pencil for shading.

  3. I love your Opus, such swirly divinity! I did enjoy playing with Cirquital for this--I agree, will have to try using it more! Enjoy your winter--we're melting here =0(

  4. The sepia really adds the right touch! Very nice.

  5. Love the sepia, with the black and white!

  6. I love how Cirquital is featured on your tile, it really stands out! The swirls of Opus are lovely!

  7. I really like this tile Michele! I love the way you made your cirquital and the way the opus flows. Beautiful.

  8. I really like your variation of opus. I see now that I've been trying to interpret Opus too literally, so I need to play with it more. Your cirquital (a fav of mine) is gorgeous.

  9. Like how the Cirquital is nestled in the Opus. Also like how the Cirquital does not all go to the center. Think it gives you more freedom.
