
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grid (un)Locked

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #122: "Grid (un)Locked"

Cool stuff!! I was very careful not to go overboard and do to much with the Zendala.



  1. Both your tiles are just fabulous!!

  2. These are both gorgeous. It's amazing how the little grids come together to make a totally different look than the grid. I'm just now starting to understand this concept. Each new entry I look at, I see at least one grid where I go OH! I have to try this one. Maybe I'll do a fav one where I pick out one of my favs from several submissions. Wouldn't that be fun to do?

  3. Oooh, I love the "Man-o-man" grid for the second zendala, how clever is that!! The effects on the cross are just WOW!

  4. Wonderful work as usual! I'm really drawn to the top one!

  5. Wonderful metamorfose. Especially I love movement in zendala, but both are very beautiful and special.

  6. Both are lovely. I really like what you did with the first one. It's so different!

  7. Wow again, of course! Your tiles are some of the prettiest ones I have ever seen. Love these and they are a perfect example of what the challenge is supposed to be. For some reason, I was confused on what we were supposed to do. After looking at your submission and all the others, think I will go back and do another one! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

    Be creative and catch some Happy!

    Jacque Solomon

  8. Both are great, but the first one is my favorite. This idea of yours is so very creative.

  9. Wonderful, love your lovely curves and white space interacting on the first and your second is like a beautiful little grid gallery.

  10. These are so wonderful, what a great job you did this week, well every week actually.

  11. Really like the first, especially the Striping. Like how you took a tangle as a template in the second one and then used different patterns to give a completely look. I have to admit that that is not a tangle I have used. I just cannot get the spacing to look the way I would like.

  12. Love them both, but the first one is my favorite!

  13. nice I like the first one best

  14. Love these tiles Michele! The depth of the Zendala is awesome!

  15. Your work is so awesome! I love both tiles.

  16. I knew yours would be great. You are an expert by using tripoli when I go through your work. So this one had to be great too. And Yes you didn't disapointed me. You make the grid seeds come to live. Awesome.

  17. Oh... I really like the first one!
    Somehow celtic about it?

  18. I like your designs, the first one is stunning and my favorite. I like the second one too, I like all your designs.

  19. Both are amazing! I just love the Bunzo in the first tile! I love the string for the second tile! Beautiful all around!

  20. I love the restraint of white space

  21. Love your zendala :) What a good idea !

  22. Wow! I love what you've done with top one, where the grids intersect and a new pattern is in that section. Very creative!
