
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blind Sighted

Weekly Challenge #116: "Blind Sighted"

The Diva prompted us to draw a string with eyes closed. Then tangle how we please. I always enjoy the element of surprise with this relaxed way to start.

Yesterday we had a weather phenomenon, it hailed so much it was like snow, we have never seen anything like this in our garden. Heidi and Samuel were staying for a sleep-over so we watched the storm approaching, then as soon as it passed the sun shone and this double rainbow arched over the house. We had fun testing our new winter boots!


  1. Beautiful tile!
    Autumn is starting in Tasmania with a beautiful double rainbow, while in Holland it's finally Spring.
    Every season has it's beauty !

  2. Love that happy photo! I'm hoping that hail was small! The calendar says it's spring in Kansas, but the thermometer says 32 degrees this morning! Crazy. Your tile, as always is beautiful. I think you could draw the whole tile with your eyes closed and still create a masterpiece!

  3. Enjoyed your tile. Like combination of tangles. We are finally getting some warm weather here. Seem to have skipped spring though as went from snow and sleet to the 80's.

  4. Beautiful tile, full of light and flow. Happy winter to you, the photo expresses it all!

  5. Love it! I really like the web - it looks heavy with dew or rain. I also like the grid on the lower left that is filled in in each corner - never seen that one before. Positively beautiful rainbow too!

  6. Spectacular tile and photo.

  7. Oh, what a delicate tile!
    I like the shades in color.

  8. Wow what a great photo of a rainbow. And your tile is as always beautiful, a lot to see, and very flowy and organic.

  9. The garden of tangles gives one a moment of pause and lovely calm!

  10. There are so many beautiful entries this week and this is up there as one of the best (in my view anyway).

  11. Very beautiful tile! ... and what an amazing photo!

  12. Lovely .. love the flow... that rainbow is gorgeous too..

  13. I love your choise of tangles, all toghether they make a lovely tile.
