
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Star Shine Star Bright

Yesterday morning I woke to hear the devastating news of the bomb blasts in Boston during the marathon. It was such a sad way to start the day with lives lost and many injured on what was to be a celebration of freedom.
Then came some brightness with the Diva's challenge. I love to see the star appear in auraknot so here is my star in a star and another star with a cup of tea.


  1. Both are lovely but I'm especially drawn to your second curvy Aura Knot with tea. Lovely tiles and fitting remembrance to bring a bright spot to such horrendous news!

  2. Both are beautifully done! I think your first one would be a lovely tribute to all affected by the terrible bombs in Boston.

  3. Your brightness shines through these beautiful stars. A beautiful tribute to the sad news of this devastating tragedy.

  4. Both tiles are so nice. Love the way you used just a pop of color in each one! Very pretty!

    Jacque Solomon

  5. Both are great, but really like the second one. The auraknot-star is just nestled in the other tangles.

  6. Both are beautiful. The first is very bold, I like that. The second has a lot of softness; beautiful.

  7. Your blog is very inspiring. All of the Zentangles are just exceptional!! I forgot about Zentangles for awhile, but your work has reignited my desire to try them again!

    1. Thank you Nora, that's good news that you are ready to tangle again... wishing you many relaxing and creative hours.

  8. love that diva dance in the background on the second. love your flow!

  9. Aura knot in perfect form! I love your choice of patterns that surround your gorgeous stars!

  10. The tangles are great together! And the slight addition of color is super!

  11. They are so lovley! I like the use of colors.
