
Friday, January 18, 2013

Through Here, Through There

Just like playing at an amusement park......through here, through there, under this bit over that bit, around, down and under! So much fun!

Size: 59cm x 38cm (23" x 15")
This ZIA can be seen at Gallery Pejean in Launceston


  1. This really is amazing. You've used such a variety of tangles that it is fun to just sit and let my eyes rove over it, discovering one thing after another. WOW! Your amusement park analogy is spot on.

  2. Congratulations on your gallery opening! How exciting. (and I am jealous) Have a blast!

  3. Oooh Shelly, this is gorgeous! I love how it weaves in and out. Congratulations on having it displayed in a gallery! I'm off to explore the rest of your blog because the tangles I can see at first glance are awesome.

    Thanks for your lovely comment, and I'm so glad you like my very first tangle! I do hope that you will find it useful, and that you will share what you do with it.


  4. wow! this is wonderful, michele! it starts at the top and just flows from there. so many pretty things to look at and enjoy - a beautiful work of art :)

  5. i like the different colors, too. i'm still looking at it and enjoying :)

  6. Yet another beauty! I just love the feeling of freedom that you manage to capture in your work. Stunning!
