
Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year

Thank you for all your delightful comments and emails over the holidays.  For the last 10 days we have been tripping around Tasmania in our camper, visiting friends and enjoying the summer.

When Katy was just 1 year old we headed on an adventure to Lake Pedder in the South West Wilderness, the wind was so strong that the tent nearly blew away, we had to tie it to the car. That was 36 years ago, this time we were 'blown away' (so to speak) by the calm waters, pure white sand and peaceful evening.

We were able to camp right on the beach.
Our 10 day holiday was a perfect time to do a 9 piece ensemble.


  1. Wow - the 9 piece is beautiful!!
    Being in the US, Tasmania has always seemed the place of cartoons - with the Tasmanian devil - lol. Thank you for sharing photos from your vacation!

  2. Your ensemble is wonderful. It sounds and looks like a very peaceful vacation. Happy New Year!

  3. your vacation sounds heavenly! the pictures show a beautiful location - i imagine it was very peaceful :)

    i've not done a 9 piece ensemble yet, i love the way yours turned out!

  4. Beautiful ensemble with great details in it!
    And facinating peaceful pictures in Tasmania.

    We hear on the news it's so very hot in Tasmania, with many bush fires.
    I hope your safe there.

  5. Hope your family and their friends, your friends and their families are all safe.
    Love Deb, Brisbane tangler

    1. Thanks Deb, here in Launceston we are fine. Our friends down south were evacuated, their home is ok so far.

  6. Beautiful, Shelly. Love your tangle and the wonderful photos. Hope you are managing to stay cool and well away from the bushfires! I'm hoping for a bit of respite here in another day or two when some cooler temperatures arrive in Melbourne.

  7. Wow, Shelly. How lucky you are to find such a beautiful spot. I can feel the peacefulness in the photos and in your tangles. What a great way to begin a new year. Thanks. Carole
