
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Inspired by The Book of Zentangle

With excitement at our local post office my package of books has finally arrived safely. For 6 weeks the box travelled to Tasmania and back to the US but like a boomerang it has returned. I do try and think the right things happen at the right time so apparently my copy of The Book of Zentangle has reached me at the right time!
I held the book carefully, appreciated the size, colours, weight and felt the quality flowing from the cover! After settling quietly exploring the treasure-trove of Maria's sensational art and Rick's inspirational words my impression was that this is a love story. Love for art, life, creativity, beauty and passion. To me the book is Rick and Maria's love story and their enthusiasm to share Zentangle.
Thank you so much Rick and Maria for this special jewel. When I'm marooned on that desert island, where I'm only allowed one book, The Book of Zentangle will be in my bag.

Size: 76cm x 56cm  (30" X 22")




  1. Beautiful artwork. Beautiful tribute. Your tangle of tiles looks like a fantasy come alive..

  2. What a Beautiful tribute to Rick and Maria! You should have this reproduced into a poster! Your work is amazing! I love the tile collection! Thanks so much for sharing your art with us!
    Aloha, Andrea

  3. What a beautiful zia!!!!
    I have the book for weeks now, could buy it from a CZT in the Netherlands. The first time I opened it was so great, the blue on the back of the jacket............ Even that is a point were I kept looking.
    Yes, a great book indeed!

  4. Totally amazing. You inspire me. I just love looking at your work. Thank You so Much.
