
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Spirilations - Finer

Experimenting is such fun, I have tried bigger, bolder, brighter, darker and now finer. With this ZIA I used a 005 Pigma micron on Saunders Waterford (140lb) watercolour paper.

Size:19.5cm 25.5cm (71/2" x 10").


  1. this is beautiful! i love looking at your work and studying it to see how you made everything. this piece is wonderful!

  2. This is really lovely! So light and airy.

  3. Truly extraordinary. Your style so reminds me of Maria's. That is simply wonderful. (I am jealous.)

  4. WOWOWOW! This is one of my fave ever!!!

  5. So, so beautiful (again). I'm personally not very fond of colors in tangling, but in this Zia it is absolutely right!

    Annemarie Huijts

  6. Gorgeous! This is just fantastic...what talent you have!

  7. You are the Spiral Queen!! This is so beautiful--I am in awe and will be staring at it for the next several hours!! So inspired by your work!!!

  8. This is beautiful. I have only recently become aware of this art and I am fascinated!

  9. So, so beautiful! I love all the spirals and just the delicate touch of color.

    You have so many extraordinary pieces. Do you keep them, give them away, sell them? I'm amassing quite a collection of my own and don't quite know what to do with them. I've given lots away, but haven't tried to sell any.

  10. Thank you for all your great comments!

    Karen Lynn, yes, I have given many away and selling some, I have a collection on hand ready to frame.

  11. I love the delicacy of this piece. Beautiful!
