
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Beside the Seaside

The String.

Between Christmas and New Year we spent a few of days at the beach. A couple of years ago at the same beach I found a small starfish (still alive) on the sand. Just after taking a photo it was washed into the sea. One of my favourite things to do is collecting shells and walking on the beach, this time I didn't find a starfish so out came pen and paper. Tomorrow I will post the completed ZIA.


  1. Shelly, I love your cross tangleation of tripoli and crescent moon. It looks exquisite! Can't wait to see what you do with the rest of this ZIA.

  2. Thank you for posting your string and the start of the tangle. Now it makes more sense to me as I am a stickler for keeping one pattern in an area. I need to give myself more freedom within the lines. I love the patterns you choose because they all seem to reflect the natural world. Beautiful.

  3. I agree - this is the start of another stunning piece. You're so darn creative!

  4. Love the work-in-progress photos - such a treat to be able to see it grow and evolve.

  5. Christmas holiday at the beach. Am I jealous?? You betcha!!

    Love your string! It's so inspiring to witness the "before".... to peek at the "work in progress"...and anxiously await the completed piece! Great post.

    Happy Holidays, Shelly (and Paul)!!!

  6. I find your work so inspiring. It's simply beautiful. Thank you for posting your string for this extraordinary piece. I'm working on the ZIA Art Journal 2012 and today's theme is spirals, and your piece has truly inspired my string for this week!

  7. This a beautiful string, Michelle! Mind if I use it?
