
Monday, October 10, 2011

Greenwich Village

Saturday was perfect for a stroll around Greenwich Village, sunshine and feeling relaxed. We stopped at Caffe Reggio, an Italian coffee shop with a very exotic atmosphere. It had the most interesting toilet, a small narrow green door and was like walking into a cupboard I suppose that's where 'water closet' comes from. Paul had the biggest coffee and the New York Cheesecake, the best for sure, it was the smoothest with a lovely meringue topping.
Later in the afternoon I wandered up 5th Ave on my own for a bit of window shopping and came across this window with a bright display of beautiful floor mats.
We finished the day with a meal at the BB King Bar and Grill, another late night.
Today we were in the right place at the right time with a visit to see Grand Central Station, that was WOW! When coming out we could hear very loud band music. It was a parade for Spanish speaking South American communities, all were dressed in their native costumes and looking spectacular.
Our last day here has been quite hot but we still walked about to soak up the sounds, sights and smells of New York City, the buildings are incredible with beautiful ornate features, not a space is spared. One of the bus tour guides said that you can even buy air space now so you can build ontop of other buildings. It's all WOW!!
Early night, big day tomorrow....we are off to Providence.


  1. You are making my feet itch! Looking forward to sharing your other experiences in the U.S. x

  2. Wow you are fitting lot in! Lots to take in, You will need a holliday when you come home I think! Love reading your blog such a great idea!
